Tech IndustryAug 21, 2019

How to land a SWE job at FAANG

I am currently a Mechanical Engineer at a no-name company. Have masters in electrical engineering. I am trying to learn programming with the goal to get into FAANG at a SWE level. What would all you Blind gurus suggest as a path to prepare for the interviews? Should I do masters again in CS or enroll in bootcamp?

Google MhFF53 Aug 21, 2019

You should learn how to search Blind first

LangeSohne Aug 21, 2019

Harsh but fair

lolllol Aug 21, 2019

Go through MOST of Cracking the Coding Interview and then Leetcode. Here's the more detailed solution for you:

Mozilla kumru Aug 21, 2019

Dont do CS MS if you have the chance to attend a bootcamp

jill_jill Sep 9, 2021

I have heard that MS CS helps during immigration process. Is that true ? No plans to settle there for life but be able to apply for US roles. So, need a easy and tested route to h1b visa which is MS.

Amazon AMZNBucks Aug 21, 2019
