I am a Goose Farmer. AMA

TC: 0 NW: 15M YoE: 25+

Amazon Dingussss May 4


Altruist Corp EbxQ60 May 4

Microsoft hgr4kh OP May 4


SAP MjgO82 May 4

Lol your profile should say ex-Microsoft

Microsoft hgr4kh OP May 4

I still havenā€™t returned my MSFT badge since I quit during pandemic wfh era

eBay YBbr22 May 4

25 YoE and still seeking validation om Blind? lmao, nice try

Microsoft hgr4kh OP May 4


Philips helios251 May 4

Why did you choose to be a goose farmer?

Microsoft hgr4kh OP May 4

15M NW and stocks never going back to what my cost basis is. I live off of dividends now. šŸ˜Ž

Philips helios251 May 4

How does it feel to not be a part of the rat race anymore? Any advice to the younger generation

Microsoft Sherylllll May 4

What was the perf expert at Microsoft's name? Is that the only goose farmer reference or are there other folks too? He was quite awesome at the perf stuff. Not sure why he left though. I still have all his emails archived and read through them on Fridays. It's about a GB of of emails with good learnings on dot net perf optimizations.

Microsoft hgr4kh OP May 4

Sorry, Iā€™m only answering unserious questions today

Flexport bx5bs7 May 4

He got pipped from msft, this is common knowledge

Ramp commonbass May 4

Do you hire Waterloo interns? I hear they're experienced in these matters

Microsoft hgr4kh OP May 4

Itā€™s all about perf optimization when it comes to goose. All geese should be fed optimally and there shall be no waste of ration. College kids with prior experience with campus squirrel can be a good start but real work experience comes at a farm.

VMware pingtacti May 4

Does it feel good that you have so high NW to support you? Any inputs if I was starting wealth building today

Microsoft hgr4kh OP May 4

Unserious questions only please :) 1. Yes 2. W2 + Own a business. Canā€™t be relying on W2 alone in this era.

Meta bgftygf May 4

Hi Feng.

Hubspot šŸ„shroomin May 4


Microsoft hgr4kh OP May 4


Microsoft ytcisman May 4

but why goose ? chickens give us nice eggs

Microsoft hgr4kh OP May 4

Larger eggs and more flavorful