Misc.Apr 17
Apple d[o_o]b Apr 17

No one should be surprised by the de-humanization of the workforce. Thanks for creating memories, Elon

ypkd6 OP Apr 17

Then you realize that the mission and the vision were all BS and your back was kicked out

Latitude AI latitoop Apr 17

The mission was always get Elon rich rich so he can do whatever he wants.

Apple mangamania Apr 17

I mean it’s expected if you work for Elon. The guy is a ruthless bastard chasing outdated ideals.

Affinity.co ddglglg Apr 17

Anyone still working for this clown drinks the kool aid. No sympathy.

Splunk squanchi Apr 17

Layoff is fine. I get it but why disrespect ex-employees who were family a day before.

Apple mangamania Apr 17

They were just resources to him

Microsoft 🥜tella Apr 17

family resources

MRM TWG_202023 Apr 17

A terrible company does terrible things, and an awful CEO does awful things. Shameful.