Tech IndustryMay 26, 2021

Linkedin front end interview general tips

Not leaking specific interview materials, but personally have seen many people with many yoe failing the interviews because it exposed their severe lack of fundamentals, so want to share how you can better prep. I personally think frontend interviews are actually harder than your general SWE interviews in terms of preparation because there are domain-specific concepts that you either know or don't know and that usually comes with experience. What you should focus on (not in any specific order of importance): 1. Javascript fundamentals (e.g, closure, "inheritance"). I've seen candidates use fancy ES6 syntax without realizing that it is actually the least efficient solution and sometimes not even the correct one. A simple for loop can go a long way. 2. Web fundamentals (e.g semantics, css layouts, fetch API calls). A lot of candidates are actually uncomfortable/unused to vanilla html/css/javascript. Sometimes, I let candidates use a framework (usually React) if they are making no progress. Ironically those candidates actually make more mistakes, which exposes more knowledge gaps. So I recommend folks to not rely on using frameworks. Your interviewer might not let you or happens to be also quite proficient at using your framework ;). As a practice, I would try to convert a non-trivial component built in your favorite framework to vanilla javascript and see how far you can get. 3. Understand how popular re-usable UI widgets work behind the scenes(e.g, how would you implement "X"?). A lot of candidates usually admit they have used such 3rd party UI before, but never looked into it. If that sounds like you, I recommend you to think about how you've used the API of the 3rd party UI before. That will usually help you reverse engineer it to a basic functional architectural design. 4. Focus on algorithmic concepts. There are LeetCode easy - hard type of questions, but they are usually geared toward web. Due to the perks of Javascript, these can be easier or harder for you depending on #1. Easier because there can be less boilerplate code needed and no low-level optimizations needed. Harder because when combined with Javascript, you might need to know certain Javascript concepts to solve it. 5. Understand the architectural design behind popular app features (e.g, pub/sub, scalability, api design, server side rendering, etc). This is a full-stack question and a lot of candidates often fail to address the basic requirements of the backend. It is VERY important that you are leading and controlling the design while asking for clarification and addressing your interviewer's questions. In the end, you're not expected to ace everything, but one really poor round can hurt your chances. Good luck.

Oracle hSapien May 26, 2021

Thank you for sharing these tips. These tips are for candidates with how many yoe?

LinkedIn zbehdhsuw OP May 26, 2021

Doesn’t matter, but the bar is higher as you apply for higher positions.

LinkedIn zbehdhsuw OP May 26, 2021

But I generally interview senior SWEs

Trimble 💁🏻‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ May 26, 2021

This applies to other positions as well, not just LinkedIn. But it’s a great post. I usually do not see a lot of FEE specific stuff. Just want add some more info to this post so that it’s all at one place. Along with everything mentioned, it’s important to understand client side caching, state management and browser APIs & understand how the browser works & how it runs js & how renders your web pages. Understanding concepts like Call stack, promise stack, event loop & set timeout is very important because you won’t be asked direct questions on these things. Some of the resources I rely on: Mdn (ofc),,, w3schools