RelationshipsFeb 2, 2019

Marriage question?

Me and my wife get along great overall. We don’t fight that often. We are happy. Question- She points out any mistakes I do and I accept it but if I do the same she gets all defensive and starts crying. It always ends up with me asking sorry for being a jerk even if she is wrong. What to do?

Apple HumanDoing Feb 2, 2019

Go to a marriage counselor if you can’t manage it yourself

Google trolDtrols Feb 2, 2019

Why is this the default go-to answer for every relationship question ? They don't have a magic wand.

Oracle not_larry Feb 2, 2019

@google, it’s called not taking ownership.

Amazon RBMY63 Feb 2, 2019

Talk to her about how you can approach her with innocuous criticism? If she can’t respond to that, talk to a therapist because communication is the cornerstone of a relationship.

Amazon 1700zulu Feb 2, 2019

My wife had a terrible time admitting she was wrong and got very defensive. The easiest way is to talk to her about it like this: “we are a team and are stronger when we both do X instead of Y”. The team focus will blunt some of her criticism of you and help you get through to her. PM me if you want to talk about it more.

PayPal = O(1) Feb 2, 2019

This is some solid advice

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Microsoft bing0 Feb 2, 2019

I don’t think people realise how painful divorce is.

Cisco license2🔥 Feb 2, 2019

Welcome to married life buddy.

Apple Hebdu Feb 2, 2019

That’s every household story 😀😀

Microsoft lHcN54 Feb 3, 2019

Not true

IBM cabo-san Feb 2, 2019

The answer to most relationship questions on Blind: show her this post! Communication is key. Tell her this is how you feel, then ask whether your assumptions and understanding are right. Let her talk a lot.

Microsoft lesmiserab Feb 2, 2019

Go read this book, changed my life and my marriage: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert - John Gottman

Google f23j6rz Feb 2, 2019

Gottman’s book is very good. Same with a book caller “crucial conversations.” Difficult conversations are a fundamental life skill. You can definitely get better at them. Good luck!

PayPal trump 2020 Feb 2, 2019

STFU about it then. Stop trying to make her feel like shit. Jeez why is this a question? Are people this clueless these days?

Amazon tylium Feb 2, 2019

Let me guess. Not married?

Microsoft Larry Pаge Feb 2, 2019

After you solve the conflict, talk to her and try to analyze together what she thinks caused it, what made her sad that she cried and how you could avoid it in future. Try to be soft, but logical, explain your point of view and bring some solid arguments. If she starts crying again, hug her tighter, but don't say sorry if you didn't do anything wrong. Crying during an argument is manipulative as fk. Even if one doesn't do it intentionally, they've done it before and it worked to win the conflict, so they subconsciously use same method. What you want is a fair resolution that satisfies both of you. I actually become very frustrated when someone starts to cry during a conflict. I pause untill all tears are gone, and continue only when I see we can talk constructively.