DiversityJul 21, 2018
AirbnbUnicorn 🦄

Meat Ban at WeWork

Curious to hear from WeWork employees how this is being received internally. Is there mutual consent across the board or not?

Amazon Tier 2 Jul 21, 2018

People can't bring meat into work? Or what?

Airbnb Unicorn 🦄 OP Jul 21, 2018

The company has a new policy that bans meat from being served or reimbursed. It’s to reduce carbon footprint / save money. Employees can still choose to eat meat but the company will not reimburse.

Microsoft qbys57 Jul 21, 2018

This is a joke right?

Amazon Obidos69 Jul 21, 2018

There was already a controversial thread on this.

Airbnb Unicorn 🦄 OP Jul 21, 2018

Yes, we’ve heard the voices of everyone looking from the outside in but I am more interested in how this is being received internally.

Amazon damnn Jul 21, 2018

hypothetically if you support plastic bans but not this does it make you a hypocrite?

Microsoft TopPot🍩 Jul 21, 2018

It does not. BTW, you have to use a cloth bag about 1300 times to offset its carbon footprint compared to a single plastic bag so global warming wise plastic bag is better but not so much for marine animals and decomposition.

Intuit iKn1y42m Jul 21, 2018

Yeah but 1300 plastic bags floating in the ocean is far more damaging to marine life than your single cloth bag which you will most likely keep and it won’t end up in the ocean

Yelp overmind Jul 21, 2018

Wow so dumb, so much signaling. I would quit. Meat is not all bad for the environment there are lots of areas that would be useless if we did not raise cattle there. Instead you will eat almonds that suck up even more water and fly in your special veggies from all over the planet burning tons of fuel. Just so you can feel superior to everyone else.

Salesforce J74ysj9hFj Jul 22, 2018

I was complaining about almond milk as well and people didn't believe me so I looked up the water usage. Almond takes a lot of water, but it's still much less than cows so the idea that almonds are terrible for the environment is pretty off.

bsdetector Jul 21, 2018

It's a PR stunt. They're hemorrhaging money big time. Valuation is in their real estate.

Booking.com Fullo Jul 21, 2018

What 'stunt'? More like PR debacle..

Adobe forfeit Jul 21, 2018

Damn, and I thought “meatless Mondays” was hard to swallow...

Amazon lMex45 Jul 21, 2018

One company that will be in personal blacklist for life :)

Uber trump_cuck Jul 21, 2018

Also very culturally insensitive to different cultures. For instance meat focused Asian cultures.