Microsoft Product manager

Hey there! I’m looking at Microsoft for the next step in my career. What I’d love to help with : - what is the product manager role at Microsoft? I don’t see any in their career page. I’ve heard they call it program manager. How different is it from other companies? Do you have the same marketing, data science, operations, etc. partners? - what is the TC compared to other tech companies? (I’m currently a SPM) - does it have the same hardware vs software TC split as other companies (I’ve heard hardware PM tend to be paid less, for a reason I really don’t understand) Current TC: 300k.

Microsoft Weider Sep 8, 2020

No data scientists at Microsoft for most teams. PMs take that on. At Microsoft, product manager = marketing role (PMMs at most other companies) Program manager = PM Everyone says it's more technical than other firms. You're a much higher level so not sure to what degree that will be true. Also your Microsoft experience depends a LOT on the team just because of how MASSIVE Microsoft is. So pick carefully :)