
Microsoft is about to nuke its gaming business

Anyone read about the upcoming news that they are planning on releasing their gaming software on their competitors hardware? This is pretty much the death of the Xbox as a console. Not only that Gamepass is fueled by fans once they kill the hardware they’re going to jump ship and buy the PlayStation alternative. I guess if they just want to rely on software profits this makes sense but if they thought Gamepass was the future they practically are handing their customer base to Sony. This is quite possibly the stupidest move I’ve ever seen. I don’t think the Xbox brand will survive in like 5 years if this happens. They’ll realize to late that they can’t go back and that this is the biggest blunder business decision made thus far.

Amazon luddite 🧶 Feb 5

As a PlayStation diehard, I am ambivalent.

eBay hb7sHj Feb 5

I don't get it either

Microsoft JavaToC# Feb 5

Xbox is more of a collectible now. I don't play much, but whenever I play it's cloud gaming, Xbox is just an unnecessary device in the middle.

Amazon luddite 🧶 Feb 5

Is cloud workable for most genres? Isn’t latency still an issue?

Microsoft JavaToC# Feb 5

Works ok for me. Sometimes it takes time to start the game, but once the game has started there is no lag. Again, I wouldn't call myself a gamer so gamers may have a different opinion.

ex-Roblox Broblox Feb 5

XBox as a console probably won't survive, but they are a software company. But the console was made to get into the consumers television, be the hub for their entertainment. Now that that's accomplished by a $400 TV's built in smart TV, there's no need. They want subscriptions for continuous revenue, and to dominate cloud gaming. Many people are already predicting that the continuous console refresh cycles are coming to an end, so they may be abandoning ship. Xbox will continue on with Game Pass as that is the subscription and cloud gaming they want.

Amazon luddite 🧶 Feb 5

Did no one foresee tele manufacturers integrating apps into their software? 🤯 In retrospect, it seems the most obvious and natural development.

Oracle staticshok OP Feb 5

I don’t know. I think they don’t understand their user base. Gamers subscribe to Gamepass because of their loyalty to the brand. The last time MS betrayed their loyalty they left the console in droves during the Xbox One era. Do they really think those people who will now leave Xbox hardware will remain on Gamepass when they move to PlayStation? They’d more than likely subscribe to the PlayStation subscription.