Microsoft vs Oracle

Got offer from Microsoft (MS Azure database security team) vs Oracle Labs (Application OS team) which to choose ? MS location : Redmond ( Washington ) - Remote - L60 Oracle location : Redwood city ( California ) - in Person - IC2 MS TC: 195k Oracle TC: 230k Please consider telling the factors , it will help :) asking for a friend :) #engineering #swe #software

53 Participants
Select only one answer
ByteDance broke! Mar 20

What level ? Also create a poll

JPMorgan Chase jaofnol Mar 20

How does ms levels work? 60 is entry?

AMD akash_kuma OP Mar 20

Upper band of entry level, they start with L59 and IC1

Microsoft PikiBlindr Mar 20

60 is sde1 61,62 sde2 63,64 senior

Oracle fossilplum Mar 22

One thing to keep in mind is msft has great wlb, a good 401k match and good benefits (medical + 1.2k gym). The 401k match is vested 100% all the time, oracle is not 100% vest. The vesting schedule is also different. Oracle is one a year 25%. Microsoft’s 1st vest vests over 5 yrs if I’m not wrong, and after 1st year vests quarterly. Depending on where you are in life, choose is what I would say. WLB being the key factor, followed by the team you like more. A mere 30k will not do much gain/harm - which is also going to be offset due to state taxes in CA