Money or Future Career

I work on technology SAS. I am good at it. 9/10. I am so good that I can do 2 full time jobs at same time: 120K + 120K after 11 YOE. But I am tired of it. I want to move to other technologies like Python/R in the field of data engineering/science. But I am not able to clear ANY rounds of interview in this area. 2/10. I am tired of failing interviews. I am afraid, I have started doubting my skill set to learn something new. What should I do: A- Think SAS is going to survive for ever and start doing 2 jobs? I will make double the money. B- Keep failing until I succeed? Please advise. Thank You

Comcast COvM74 Apr 28, 2022

If I were you, I would focus on increasing the skill first by doing courses or boot camp. I understand we can't always be preparing, but we have to balance the preparation and again give interviews.

The Home Depot CpPp87 Apr 28, 2022

Tech moves fast. Dont know much a out sas but questions like if sas will survive or not are indicators of it moving towards being a legacy thing. Why not use a few hours to learn something new but still related to what u do?

Amazon Pjs28 Apr 30, 2022

If you have enough time to do 2 FT jobs as you say and you’ve been failing interviews for DS/DE using Python/R tools vs SAS, then like the comments above, your time might be better spent to first up-skill and get more familiar with those tech stacks through courses and projects. So a mix of the conceptual part of DS/DE and the practical side of actually coding in Python/R. Also specifically for interviewing maybe you can check out Data Interview Pro on YouTube.