StartupsAug 13, 2018

Need advice - joining early stage startup

Team - planning to join an early stage startup at Mgmt position. What should be the equity offer should b ? .5%-1% . Also do you think it’s a good time in digital identity space to try ?

Arista Networks unVS80 Aug 13, 2018


Symantec gBot77 OP Aug 13, 2018

Ha ha thanks for the correction :-)

Daimler L33tC0de Aug 13, 2018

*haha 😁

Salesforce Zzzzz... Aug 13, 2018

How are these people even getting offers? You don't disclose the company's cap or valuation and give % out? 1% of 1M is very different from 1% of 100M

Symantec gBot77 OP Aug 13, 2018

Why are you so annoyed? Relax you don’t have to feel compelled to answer .. on a side note , I understand I should have given more context so giving below. I just wanted to check what’s the standard norm at different levels.. it’s ok if you don’t know

McAfee tYcY14 Aug 13, 2018

Needs more details: What was the last funding round? Seed or Series A? What is the current team size? What is the position you're expected to fill? How much experience do you have? How desperate do they want you? Do you have any special skillsets that are not readily available?

Symantec gBot77 OP Aug 13, 2018

Sure , last funding round - seed (4.5 million ) Current team size 12, position is engineering mgr , total experience around 12 years, they are very desperate, special skills building security products and strong products skills.

McAfee tYcY14 Aug 13, 2018

You will likely be given a range with base salary and options. If you get a typical senior engineer salary, it would be in range of 150-180k and 0.5 to 0.75% equity.

Microsoft craplach42 Aug 13, 2018

Identity, you are in big boy space now. Google, FB, Microsoft have all got identity wrapped up now. What is this startup’s big differentiator? What’s the plan to monetize? Half percent or whole percent of zero is zero bub

Symantec gBot77 OP Aug 13, 2018

Yes it’s the same space as Okta, bigID and similar others

bKWB01 Aug 13, 2018

Is the founder Stanford MBA grad?

Wish Wishes Aug 13, 2018

Heh. I know which one

Symantec gBot77 OP Aug 13, 2018


bKWB01 Aug 13, 2018

Now everyone knows 😣 no privacy in the internet

Google homeyclown Aug 13, 2018

Wow, 4.5m is considered seed these days. Expect a lot of dilution as company raises more rounds. Also high probability that your shares will be worth 0 even if the startup is acquired as the common can be wiped out while the founders get sweet equity packages with the acquiring company (speak from bitter experience as a very very early hire at a company that raised ~30m and was acquired. Founders made multi millions, everyone else not so lucky)

Wish Wishes Aug 13, 2018

I doubt you can get 1% . Even 0.5%

Symantec gBot77 OP Aug 13, 2018

What if I can negotiate to .5?

Wish Wishes Aug 13, 2018

You can calculate the return yourself. I used to have an offer with 1% as first hire. Valuation 7m post money. Founder expect to exit around 100M to 200M. Usually it takes 3 to 4 rounds. I will make less than a million with dilution. Tbh, it doesn’t worth it

Symantec gBot77 OP Aug 13, 2018

Hmm, so there are no standards , got that.

poRd04 Aug 13, 2018

Financially speaking, it's not worth it very most likely. Speaking from experience as someone which joined early series A startup which was acquired later. Startup experience has other benefits though.