
I feel like i have lost any passion i had for coding/ software engineering. I feel like i have plateaued as an average software engineer who isn't bad enough to be fired but never does anything noticeable. I feel miserable. Has anyone ever climbed out of this rut? What did you do?

Choice Hotels MeNotHere Aug 24, 2017

I've been there a few times. I usually go to a few job interviews to remind myself that grass is grass no matter the color, and then go back to work and find something to focus on and really dig into it. Sometimes it's a new coding pattern, or trying a different architecture, and lately it's knowledge share with younger devs. Basically small things to remind yourself that you know something, and can always learn more even when it may not be directly apparent.

Microsoft ahem Aug 24, 2017

Most of top performers are just average software engineers in this criteria. After you reach at the certain level which most of software engineers in big techs are, who gets promoted quicker depends a lot on luck factor. That includes the motivation. When you keep going up at steady pace, you naturally would develop passion. So I guess solution for you is switching a team or company or city.

ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ Aug 25, 2017

I donno about the luck factor, at that point it sounds more like the office politics factor.

Juniper zzq Aug 24, 2017

It could be burn out. It's a horrible place to be in. If you can, take an extended break > 3 weeks. Travel if you want to. Or just do whatever enriches you outside of work. But mostly just take time to reconnect with yourself. It can sometimes take months to get out of it. Give yourself the permission to recover. Tech is soul killing. Especially in the bay.

Microsoft bQkz48 Aug 24, 2017

Did you reach 40? Pretty normal

Cruise Automation Frend Aug 24, 2017

> Uber Sure it's not just your workplace getting you down?

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ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ Aug 25, 2017

> datadicks > considered making yet another name checks out joke > nah > quick make a shitty emoji joke 🍆💦🍑

Databricks datadicks Aug 25, 2017

Yeah that was a shitty emoji joke

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HouseCanary rBqo26 Aug 26, 2017

+1 to this. Hobbies and things outside work are what make life worth living; work enables me to do those things.

Kaspersky Lab 123ty234 Aug 25, 2017

It's a classic burnout, considering the whole situation in Uber. I think, it could be triggered by very fast transfer of Uber being the coolest company ever to being mediocre corporate monster. So, you decided to re-evaluate your achievements. It's a slippery slope. What you should do: 1. Remove caffeine and alcohol from your diet. They affect cortisol, and it's ups and downs will through you to depression. 2. Find an hour per day to do something that you like. 3. Send your resume to recruiters to see what comes up as job opportunities to get external valuation. 4. Regime - wake up and go to bed at the same time. The thing is you should minimize hormones fluctuations, it'll stabilize your physical condition and you'll be able to think more clearly without negative emotions effects. I'm doing all it now by therapist recommendation. You can google news about my company to see why I'm also burnt as hell