Tech IndustryMar 16, 2020
Applied VisionsJester24

Professional references for Google

Leading up to my "onsite" interview the coordinators sent me the formal employment application with spaces for 3 optional professional references. I have 3 but they are all at my current job (my only industry experience so far) one of which is my direct supervisor. What do you think about listing/not listing them and allowing/not allowing Google to contact them? Obviously I'd prefer Google to not contact anyone at my current job but I've read references are very important for a decision and my current coworkers are all I've got.

TripAdvisor rtdy Mar 16, 2020

i dont think i put anyone as a reference and got an offer. unclear if they actually care about that.

Dell LUHV04 Mar 16, 2020

When does google contact references ?

Google SdrPikachu Mar 16, 2020

I put one reference only, who was never contacted.

BizBusker Jan 19, 2022

Hi op, I am I the same boat. Do you have any suggestions if it okay to mention current manager as a professional reference? Do they contact before you accept offer? The from does say, won't contact without permission.