Tech IndustryJan 29, 2022

Salary Comparisons & Industry Standards

Something I've noticed recently. As a government contractor, I've realized that I'm not paid that well in comparison to those on the commercial/private/tech sector. Public/Government sector will give you crappy pay and benefits (minus several consulting companies and defense contractors). Hence, people are leaving those positions in DROVES and I don't blame them. As I'm working on certs, starting to learn python and learning different skills, I feel that'll help me in the long run. I'm gradually hearing back from several companies (private/commercial in nature) for possible employment opportunities. So, I hope to get into the private/commercial sector in the near future like you folks. Blind tax: $112,000. YOE: 7.5. #tech #hiring

j0e Jan 29, 2022

Apparently defense budgets are getting fatter as of late, and Defense companies are starting to realize they need to compete with commercial salaries to get good people. Don't rule out defense companies right now, they might surprise you.

FanDuel plvwhau Jan 29, 2022

Pretty sure all that money is going to the executives bonuses

j0e Jan 29, 2022

Haha ya the execs are definitely taking the cream off the top, but a lot of upper management is aging out too.

Raytheon Dr3w Jan 29, 2022

In the defense contracting space with you and can relate. Moved from finance > engineering (background is in data analytics) last year and I just dgaf anymore. Company was great for an industry pivot and a security clearance, but it’s run it’s course

NoirSunset OP Jan 29, 2022

Same here my dude. I've been in this defense contracting space for around a decade. But, it's time to go. At least I have experience but, I need to seek new ventures.