
Tips for Crohn’s disease

I would really appreciate any advice for managing short term bowel blockage flare ups and long term remission. My mom gets into extreme pain. What has worked for you and your family? Thank you.

Oracle seg fault May 31, 2019

I do not have Crohn's but have had GERD for 2 years now. Maybe some of what helps me will carry over. I know GERD can turn into Crohn's or IBS... I had pretty good luck helping digestion with Betaine HCL with Pepsin supplements along with Licorice and Gentian root. I tried Skullcap to relax digestion for a while but that stuff is weird. Most recently I have been taking "Source Naturals Essential Enzymes" 2 a meal with great success and no longer take the acid increasers. I took a blood test for food intolerance and eliminated the two items which were eggs and whey protein. This made absolutely no difference. I have since dropped dairy and almost all carbs accept rice and oatmeal and then eat meat like crazy. No garlic, alcohol, onions, NSAIDS, benedryl, caffeine etc. I still need Pepto every night to sleep. I think it all started when I was given extremely strong antibiotics from a Dr when I had strep and mono. Had diarrhea for a month after that and now this... Try the enzymes and eating almost straight meat - like chicken and fish along with rice for a while. Good luck.

GE DEGigital OP May 31, 2019

Thanks for sharing your experience. I was diagnosed with GERD too. I think mine started after taking way too much ibuprofen for too long after having mono. My stomach just generally hurt and the only thing that helped was Vicodin. It’s just about all better now besides a new dependence on Protonix for acid. Will look into Betaine, Pepsin, and the enzymes. I think nutrition is important and hopefully she will see a nutritionist. My only struggle and the only thing I worry about in life is my parents health. It’s just part of life!

Oracle seg fault May 31, 2019

Your welcome, I feel you. GERD can make you feel so aweful it's just unbelievable. Good seep is a whole new wonder. Doctors aren't any help either and just throw pills. They put me on Prilosec which helped but I read how bad low acid is long term with B12, Iron, and poor calcium absorbtion, along with poor defense against bad bacteria I quit it. It's got to be something else. I am going to try to find someone willing will do an acid test throughout the day to see if it's really acid related. And a swallow test. Along with an endoscopy. Tylenol easier on your stomach so I sparingly take that for back pain from spondylolisthesis. Poor liver though...

Amazon UTukMyJerb May 31, 2019

People, I was in the same boat, well, maybe still am, but having chicken bone broth has helped me tremendously. One cup every couple of days. It heals your intestines and stomach lining.

Oracle seg fault May 31, 2019

Where do you get it? That's interesting.

Amazon UTukMyJerb Jun 1, 2019

We get it from our farmers market

Intel Benzy Jun 2, 2019

My friends son has Crohns and he got much relief from medical MJ.