
Two Sigma & Citadel Onsites : Coding/System Design level ?

My Two Sigma and Citadel onsites are coming up. Can anybody who has attended these recently provide some clues on the level of coding / system design ? Is coding LC medium or hard ? Is doing LC company-tagged questions enough ? Does TS ask standard system design questions, or is it mostly around Object oriented design ? How about Citadel ? This is for a Senior/Staff engineer level role. 12 YOE TC: 350K

Two Sigma yyhreewss Feb 2, 2022

Gl bro see you on google meet!

Citadel 2theMoon! Feb 2, 2022

Gl bro see you on Microsoft Teams!

Google g00gd00d3 Feb 2, 2022

Questions felt medium.

S&P Global cJHU62 May 2, 2022

OP, how did your interview go? Would you mind sharing if LC hard was asked for senior staff roles?