
Uber Data engineer feedback

I have given interview in Uber for data engineer 2 rounds and had given below rounds of interview OA - Solved all the questions and was invited for on-site interview On-site round 1 - this round was about sql questions and was able to solve the questions.Interviwer was happy On-site round 2 - this round was about DS and algo. I nailed this round as well On-site round 3 - this round was with HM and it was about project and behavioral questions. I did not perform well. On-site round 4 - this was a bar raiser round . This round was average, was able to take the conversation upon taking the hints from the interviewer I am really nervous about the result. I have reached out to the recruiter and she mentioned that she will touch base with me to discuss on the feedback #data #dataengineerinterview #dataengineer #dataanalytics #data

Walmart alpha buoy Nov 14, 2022
