Uber/Coinbase Work Culture

Just got a great offer from Uber — close to $400k to join as a SWE II. Evaluating it against a different offer from Coinbase to join as IC4 ($285k). Obviously these are both huge raises for me and the money is very different between the two. Wondering what the SWE culture/ WLB is at each. Can anyone advise? Blind tax: TC: 185k, YOE:2+

Coinbase relax10 Dec 16, 2021

Better wlb at Uber. Cb is a sweatshop

VMware xhrijfh Dec 16, 2021

Offer breakdown

Uber Mrcoubtryw Dec 16, 2021

Uber 🔥

Lyft helloyesyo Dec 16, 2021

Uber 🔥

red_light Dec 16, 2021

Uber stock has huge potential.

Meta ƒacebook Dec 16, 2021

Uber by a large margin. Better comp and better engineering culture

Intuit MEMESBRUH Dec 16, 2021

400k with 2 yoe? Niice.jpeg. What type of SWE?

Bloomberg bl00mb3rg OP Dec 16, 2021

Backend/full stack. I had competing offers that bumped it up

AIG Lurkovic Dec 16, 2021

Location matters

Dropbox ssskkqq Dec 16, 2021

Is 400k the expectation for sde2 nowadays? That's insane. Let's keep it that way.

Bloomberg bl00mb3rg OP Dec 16, 2021

Had 3 competing offers. It was much higher than I thought it would be.

Twitter twerped Dec 16, 2021

Uber also front loads, it won't be that much annually

Uber 😴restnvest Dec 16, 2021

Culture/WLB are good here imo

gs3Amazon Dec 16, 2021

Hey I have an upcoming onsite, can you share something about coding rounds, were they tagged or LC hards, any major topics to more focus on ?

Bloomberg bl00mb3rg OP Dec 16, 2021

Mediums for both

Bloomberg bl00mb3rg OP Dec 16, 2021

CB a little less LC more practical