
What is the best way to get into product management? I have an MBA, been working in IT (security focused) for 10 years .

What is the best way to get into product management? I have an MBA, been working in IT (security focused) for 10 years . I have management and project management experience. Any advice is welcome.

Microsoft yXUH63 Feb 9, 2018

Not sure if best. But why did you not applied for PM roles that you get exited about!?

txxn60 OP Feb 9, 2018

I have not applied cause I don’t have previous PM experience

JustAnswer 0xfa60 Feb 11, 2018

I was working as a tech lead in a team who had weak product person. So I started helping him and demonstrate my skills to the director of product. After some time he offered me a PM position and I accepted it..