Which US city is the best for an SDE?

I am from Canada, and planning to work and lead a life in US. So far I think Los Angeles is idealist for me, because of its weather, cost of living, activities etc. What's your preference? #US #cities #California #NewYork #NYC #NY #CA #SDE #SWE #engineering #career #life #software #software

126 Participants
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Meta Milk_Steak Oct 24, 2022

How do you justify paying the extra 10-13% in taxes over living in a place like Miami? From CA or Nyc?

Microsoft MicroHard9 Oct 24, 2022

By 25-50% more salary

Meta Milk_Steak Oct 24, 2022

My experience was that your comp stays roughly the same if you relocate. Different for starting new roles, as I think new roles you should start in HCOL if they adjust the initial grsnt off of that. For example at meta, I take a $20k hit on base but everything else stays the same. With a TV around $400k that means I’d take home an extra $40-$50k even with the $20k base hit.

Amazon xyqS66 Oct 24, 2022

TC is 100% relevant to this question

masterGG Oct 24, 2022


Indeed GotJobs Oct 24, 2022

Try Austin. Good mix of cost of living and readily available tech jobs. You’ll make a little less top line but will have more take home pay due to COL and taxes. If you’re set on California/West Coast the Bay Area is going to have better opportunities IMO.

Investment Management Firm HareKrsna Oct 24, 2022

DC is nice. Much better than New York if you are thinking east coast.

masterGG Oct 24, 2022

I am biased. San Diego is the best

͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Oct 24, 2022

LA's cost of living attracts you? It's expensive AF

Microsoft filk23 Oct 24, 2022

Anywhere in the US but Seattle. Stay away from the gloomy depressing forest ☁️🌲.

Verafin hen444 OP Oct 24, 2022

lol why is it depressing ? Because of the fog or what

Microsoft filk23 Oct 24, 2022

Cloudy 🌧️