Why do we need HR to exist?

There's no one I know in IT company that will deny their HR department is too big and causing more damage than good. Why do we need to have that many pencil holders? They don't really work theirs hours. They get stressed out if you ask them to handle multiple tasks. They don't know the business so they offer zero ability in screening experienced recruits. Zero ability to reach out to potential hires. Whenever we have interactions it seems like they are only middle person to other paid person that is actually dealing with our queries. So why do we need them? They rarely have service provider approach. They usually have zero patience. They waste our time with meeting and non-business related activities. ... In my eyes most of them are redundant paychecks. I wonder why we allow such a job position to exist and have so much power in the company? They usually fill the heads of high management with BS and cloud their minds with nonbusiness related ideas and waste of money. They grow such an attitude that simply antagonize. How many of you think differently?

Research Now Arschloch Jun 18, 2018

Who will write ultra critical things like mission statements then? Without a verbose mission statement the company would be directionless and developers would reign chaos.

Chid Jun 18, 2018

You don’t need 100 recruiters to write mission statements

LinkedIn harruk Jun 18, 2018

Mission statements are not written by HR.

Gusto mxyzptIk Jun 18, 2018

TC and YOE or gtfo

Oath Y9966 OP Jun 18, 2018

YOE = 20, at the private sector. But I'm sure even a person with 1 YOE can't deny my claim.

Pure Storage yVvdk8:/ Jun 18, 2018

HR exists to protect the company, administrate benefits and contain “human” costs of such, and recruit new employees. Unfortunately outside of a startup setting they balloon and become very bureaucratic. But this is true with most of the monolithic parts of the org, right? Marketing, finance, sales .. even engineering.

Oath Y9966 OP Jun 18, 2018

And such balloons suck up the oxygen in the company and that's why THE company's asset leaves to another place where HR still didn't grown to dangerous size. But it's only a temporary fix, like termites they eventually bring the house down. Apart from being secretaries to move around files and maybe arrange the occasional party, aka New year and etc., they aren't needed nor wanted.

Clicktale Mindriot Jun 18, 2018

There should be someone in the organization taking care of perks, event etc, they usually call themselves employee welfare managers. Those are actually needed. I've seen little use of the hiring ones though, they don't understand the roles we look to hire for, and don't get what we do. They can't target or select candidates correctly so we've moved them to the end of the hiring process just as a final check, and the initial screening ourselves. Much better and efficient. In general I side eye companies that start the recruitment process with HR, those people usually can't answer any job-related question, but read out the job description to you. The worst are the heads of HR that protect higher management instead of taking care of the regular employees. Those people are given too much power to the point that they actually believe they run things in the company, which, it turns out, tragically they sometimes do. It's rare that you come across someone that can truly listen, let alone advise you on anything there.