Misc.Apr 13

With an ally like this, who needs enemies?

Senior Pentagon officials were frustrated that Israel did not notify the United States before conducting a strike on an Iranian site in Syria this month, an escalation that they assess increases risks to American forces in the Middle East, U.S. officials said. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/13/iran-israel-hamas-war-news-gaza-palestine/ When you have an entitled brat dependent on your welfare that keeps getting in trouble and needing you to bail them out, what do you do? We have all seen and criticized parents of such children for enabling them.

64 Participants
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T-Mobile Anti-Zion Apr 13

Dismantle the colony and re-state Palestine as the only state in that region.

Google Gemini. Apr 13

Switching my T-Mobile tomorrow. Didn't know T-Mobile hires idiots.

T-Mobile Anti-Zion Apr 13

Seems like hiring bar at Google is way too low now days.

Walt Disney A.Bushnell Apr 13

Israel can fafo on its own

Amazon chaos🐒 Apr 13

Bae it's not working out. It's me, not you. Let's separate..