chruby vs rvm vs rbenv

I've been reading some posts on Reddit in the Ruby channels and it seems that a lot of people favor chruby because it does less funky stuff under the hood. Chruby is just a script that changes environment variables while everything else changes how underlying commands work (IE cd). I'm familiar with Python and use venv and pip. I'm curious if there's any other tools for Ruby I should install or people recommend to get started without relying/screwing up system Ruby. Tax: 200 TC #block #square #google #amazon #github #airbnb #shopify

13 Participants
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Chime Ppppa Aug 5, 2022

Just don't use ruby, it's garbage

Shopify rubytime Aug 5, 2022


Financial Services Company hahsgslo Aug 30, 2022


CotQ45 Aug 5, 2022

Use a dockerized environment instead?

LinkedIn blueshitt OP Aug 5, 2022

I was actually wondering if I should do that for runtime! Thanks for this answer.

Disney zIrH83 Aug 6, 2022

if you have an m1 or working with people with m1’s installing old versions of ruby is a pain. using containers helps

Macquarie JNSF6 Aug 21, 2022

asdf. asdf is *miles* better than the rest. Much, much better experience, (it's a wrapper over rbenv, but the quality of wrapper is everything).