Honest Post!

Spoiler: A long post I completed my undergrad in 2013 and getting a job was just a priority ( considering the country I come from, no point on guessing it ). I worked really hard and was grateful enough to get a job which was paying me. Money surely bring happiness because it gives you independence. So working out for like 8 years in IT ( staple job in my country irrespective of your field of study). Called it an honest post because that job was not something I thought I will be doing entire my life but it was paying bills so all good. Then what nexts right! Everyone comes to a point where life is monotonous and yes everyone is climbing the ladder but its same. Working, waiting for year end, bonus, promotion and the cycle goes on. One day just decided to go for masters( after months of fighting with my parents considering I am a female and they want me to get married because its a reasonable age and now you know where I come from for sure ). Bags packed with parents support(emotional, financially I told them I am covered and it was a major reason for convincing them ), landed in US in 2021 ( covid still going and used my savings to come here. 8 years is long enough to save). I know how to study, this is what I have been doing while working for two different companies in 3 different roles so it was not that new to me. Lucky ( hard work included 6 months on campus and a year of internship to pay bills and fees again ) enough to land a job before my masters finished. I think I have lived my life fully so far travelled a lot. I never had a feeling of missing out. I have just tried to be honest to my work and totally separate my personal life from professional life( my policy always). I don’t consider myself to be like extraordinary technical but I feel I am good at accomplishing things which are assigned. I feel proud of every one of my assignments I have taken professionally. Do I enjoy it? Its a debatable question, I think I enjoy the fact of completing the task. In that process I think I have learned a lot. Now considering how things are going in right now I am trying to save for the worst thing( if I get laid off) plus the visa thing considering I am still on OPT. So far I have been just going with flow in my life but with the confidence of earning my money no matter what. I look back at everything looked easy but sometimes I feel I stop giving myself a due credit of working really hard. In these uncertain times there is anxiety for sure because I fought with my family to be here. I don’t want to be a failure after all these years when I have made them feel that I am responsible enough to take my decisions in life (money speaks). I am again here planning for the worst and I just hope I get out of this again (still have a job). Moral of the story: The struggle never ends but there will be a problem always bigger than the previous problem. Just for the sake of it TC :250K #tech #life360 #mentalhealth #misc #opt #womenintech #life #money

General Motors vuRA07 Mar 5, 2023

have 2 yoe and graduating ms soon as well. any advice? wanted to aim for faang but it looks like hiring is dead. is gs hiring?

Goldman Sachs WURr73 OP Mar 5, 2023

Nope! It’s mostly a hiring freeze except on crypto side! I will advice hold on GS for some time.

General Motors vuRA07 Mar 5, 2023

any idea how long the freeze will last? few months or EOY?

Yahoo Inc dingaaaaa Mar 5, 2023

I hear you

Vertiv ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ Mar 5, 2023

Are you from the Middle East or South Asia?

Goldman Sachs WURr73 OP Mar 5, 2023

You guessing it still! Keep trying

TCMTY Mar 5, 2023

Whenever marriage is mentioned it means India

twitchcam Mar 5, 2023

China, South Korea or Japan.

twitchcam Mar 5, 2023

But congrats, I am an immigrant too. You have the American Dream attitude. You will make it. Keep working, planning and you will touch success.

Grab grabisbest Mar 5, 2023

Would you recommend the masters route to a fresh grad in india?