Misc.Oct 30, 2019

mathematically rigorous proofs of leetcode problems / concepts

anyone know any resource / class where people try to prove things rigorously? i find if i dont have a deep fundamental understanding of the topic, I tend to forget it after a couple weeks. the best resource i found so far was algorithms and data structures specialization through UCSD / higher school of Economics in Russia on Coursera. I prefer something like this because it had assignments with TLE and autograders / online judges versus something like MIT OpenCourseWare. TIA

Snapchat 🐨 koala Oct 30, 2019


Microsoft Euler83 OP Oct 30, 2019

It’s a good suggestion, but sometimes I get confused by the proofs. Do you just recommend to read it cover to cover?

Snapchat 🐨 koala Oct 30, 2019

Yes that's what I did back in the days and I find it most effective/reliable. If confused on a specific topic, there's always more online resources.

Adobe fngstained Oct 30, 2019

Do you like the UCSD algo specialization better than the Stanford and princeton ones, assuming you've done the latter?

Microsoft Euler83 OP Oct 30, 2019

I did a bit of the Stanford one too, wasn’t bad. I get put off because MOOCs are nowadays mostly empty, never tried the Princeton one. Also, isn’t the Princeton one specifically in Java, I like the ones that are language agnostic.

Boeing ttahee Oct 30, 2019

Stanford CS161 I believe? It's been a while since I took it. Its taught with CLRS. Obviously you have to be a Stanford student to take it officially but it might be available online?