Tech IndustryMar 12, 2023

Will Meta lay off EE/GE SWEs?

I've always wondered if Meta takes performance into account for the layoffs. Laying off good SWEs seems like a bad idea, but idk everything is possible. Are all EE/GE SWEs safe? What if it's an E3/E4?

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Meta better2023 Mar 12, 2023

Yes they will if your whole team/project is getting killed. Layoffs are not just performance based. They also take into account business priorities and future scope

Amazon Intern#101 OP Mar 12, 2023

Won't they consider reorg-ing high-performing engineers if the team/project is getting killed?

Google xcyi Mar 12, 2023

sometimes but usually its a dead end - sometimes you have 30 days to transfer or you’ll be let go, but all internal transfers are frozen. That’s usually for re-orgs. For layoffs its a clean cut with no options

Meta Boznatch Mar 12, 2023

They will get laid.

Meta junkid Mar 13, 2023

The last layoff was looking a random but it was mostly for low performers. Unless the people with higher ratings at closing units, you shouldn’t worry about it. You guys really have no idea.

Meta ChattyGPT Mar 13, 2023

They will if the team/project/org is not required for Meta’s long term business plan. My guess is that those people will be given an option to find a role within the company however.