Interview, Compensation, and Job Advice for New Graduates–From Blind's Users

What are you going to do after you graduate? It’s a question that college seniors are probably being asked now that commencement season is here. Many students will leave school with a job waiting for them. Then there will be many others who will continue their search for employment or maybe just begin it.

New graduates are faced with many unknowns come May. The process of finding work can be an unknown itself. How do you prepare for interviews? What kind of compensation should be expected? Which company is the best culture fit?

Career counselors are available to prep students about finding employment, but if they can get additional help from working professionals, that’s an added bonus. This is where Blind can be a great resource.

Some of Blind’s users are interns or recent graduates, and you can find posts related to their specific concerns: preparation for an entry-level interview, compensation, and even questions about visas. If you’re a new tech professional — or know someone who wants to be — we’ve collected a handful of posts just for you. Learn about what to expect during the hiring process and the first years at work.

First off, what’s considered a new graduate?

The hiring process: What kinds of interview questions will be asked? Can you negotiate an offer? Can you ask for an extension?

The offers: New graduates may be unfamiliar with what is included in a standard compensation package. They may also be unfamiliar with today’s entry-level salary. Our users share the numbers software engineers can expect based on a recent BA, MS, or PhD degree.

Not interested in software engineering? Our users also share compensation information for other roles in tech.

Here’s what our users have to say about new graduates and company culture:

New graduates also share questions beyond the topics of interviews and compensation: