Tech IndustryJan 19, 2021

Marshall Wace

Is Marshall Wace a good company for a software engineer? Any reviews/complains? Had to find info about TC/WLB in London. TC 105k, YOE 5

Palantir ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Jan 19, 2021

WLB is rough, 8-6/7 is standard. Pay well beneath other hedge funds.

gainZ :\ Jan 20, 2021

TC at Palantir?

Palantir ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Jan 21, 2021


JPMorgan Chase ykso Jan 19, 2021

What's the breakdown of your TC?

गूगल Nov 12, 2021

Current pay for 3-4 YOE devs is around £125k base + £125k avg. bonus (100% of base) with indefinite growth. The technology team is pretty flat and very lean with tons of opportunities to make an impact early on and compounding incentives.