DiversityMar 2, 2018

What’s leftists’ problem with Asians?

I understand some Trump voters’ problem with Asians. They are racists. But what the hell is leftists’ problem with Asians? Almost every tech company I know in Bay Area (except Tesla and few other racist companies) are half white half non-white and have many foreign born engineers. You can never find this kind of diversity elsewhere in any sector in any part of the US. Why are Asians singled out from people of color? Were Asians not discriminated or something? Or just because Asians are politically inferior comparing to blacks?

Amazon ⬛️DownVest Mar 2, 2018

Are you saying there is no Asian privilege?

Twitch LDsM38 OP Mar 2, 2018

What privilege? Before (Chinese exclusion act, Asiatic barred zone, Japanese American concentration camps) or now (discrimination in education like Harvard, discrimination in employment like Google, 150 years green card wait time for Indians)?

Microsoft yMcg47 Mar 2, 2018

And the worst is if I you’re not chinese, japanese, or korean.... You get discriminated against by other asians, white people, affirmative actions.

Yahoo America101 Mar 2, 2018

Can you define Asian? Correct me if I’m wrong, but that covers a broad amount of people (Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc).

Twitch LDsM38 OP Mar 2, 2018

Why does it matter? Even if Google hire one thousand people from Bhutan, they would still complain about lack of diversity.

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KPMG users_824 Mar 2, 2018

Fight the power my brother

Microsoft ThisOrThat Mar 2, 2018

Left considers having money as some sort of a sin. For some reason the poorer you are the more virtuous you become It is a mental disease

Salesforce -l Mar 2, 2018

It is easier to feel that way when you live at the parents' basement and most valuable thing you posses is your PhD in gender studies. Check your privilege.

Microsoft Bokassa Mar 3, 2018

AA based on income makes more sense than color based AA. Whoever think helping black doctors’ children become doctors again is promoting social justice are nuts.

Facebook mUYx38 Mar 2, 2018

people are selfish, no matter leftists or rightists.

Microsoft seemsfastr Mar 2, 2018

Why call Trump supporters racist when you just used the term "colored"?

Microsoft seemsfastr Mar 2, 2018

I'm pretty sure both you and OP aren't even American if you think colored is not perceived as racist

Twitch LDsM38 OP Mar 3, 2018

Fixed. I am sorry if I offend anyone. I use it because it’s shorter than “non-white”. 🙂

Facebook pierree Mar 2, 2018

Leftist couldn't care less whether someone is Asian or Martian. They need poor people to depend on gov for handouts so that gov can bloat and hire their useless liberal arts asses. What bewilders me is the concentration of useful idiots in the Valley who support this

LinkedIn Take5 Mar 2, 2018

Blame it on UC Berkley.

Intel bellcurve Mar 2, 2018

The funny thing: Berkeley's adcom cannot legally use AA to boost diversity. Thus the high percentage of Asian Americans at the uni. Unlike say the Ivies, Stanford, and a lesser extent MIT. Give credit to Caltech for merit based admissions though.

CareerBuilder hdanon Mar 2, 2018

Obviously leftists don't have any problems with Asians. What an idiotic question.

Lyft sUPA43 Mar 3, 2018

No true leftist would have such problems

Lyft sUPA43 Mar 2, 2018

Asians are the new jews. Google "Jewish math problems", this is the original affirmative action from Soviet Russia. Nearly all leftist universities discriminate against Asians, explicitly, formally, and without apology. Google the lawsuits against Harvard and MIT for their "Asian maximum". Google the SAT gaps between races of admitted applicants. Learn the facts and realize that leftists designate some races as "diversity enablers" and others "diversity detractors". Asians are the latter and this is based only on their race. Welcome to the left kampf. Finally, some Asian fools tolerate this in attempt to win acceptance by the racists who hate them and built the system of discrimination. Google this too: "Jewish Nazi collaborators". Shabat Shalom.

CareerBuilder hdanon Mar 2, 2018

Misrepresenting somebody's position doesn't help your cause. that's called a straw man.

Lyft sUPA43 Mar 2, 2018

The laws and regulations of blue states and institutions absolutely do represent the left's narrative.

JdftEm Mar 2, 2018

This is random..